
All my animations were done in Maya using free rigs.

Shot List:
Clip1: Animation Test
Anim #1 Looping Idle
Anim #2 Looping Idle variation (Fidget)

Anim #3 Death Animation

Anim #4 Looping Run Cycle
Anim #5 Attack Animation

Clip2: Quadruped run cycle. This was a test animation for a video game developer. The task was to complete a 1 second animation cycle of a four legged "alien type creature." The creature needed feel aggressive, predator-like, but be different from a normal lion or tiger.

Clip3: Basic walk cycle.

Clip4: My Animation Mentor Reels 1 and 2. Animation Mentor is an online school that teaches advanced animation techniques. The first set of classes(as seen here) focus on building the students animation fundamentals with simple exercises.

Clip5: A personal exercise I did to test the Luxo jr. rig.